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Meeting You Soul Mate

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s?ul ma?es parties


The Soul Mates Dinner Parties organised by Lara Suddes of MostInnerMost is absolutely the best place to meet mature, confident, spiritually minded women. The sophistication and the esoteric interests is enhanced by the vibey atmosphere. I arrived before 7pm at Salina’s Restaurant, Pineslopes Centre, Corner Witkoppen & The Straight, Fourways (behind Montecasino).

There must have been about three or four or more women for every one guy. Now all the men who avoid these types of events are idiots. You’re shy and afraid of being rejected? Well maybe you should get your ass to the next Soul Mates party.

As the ladies arrived I was wondering when the first man would be there. Well Omar, a very confident and humorous gentlemen arrived and decidedly plunked himself down next to two ladies. The registration desk was swamped by all the excited women and few men who arrived. Lara had asked me to give a short talk about dating but that never happened. So many of the women I met were really nice.

The ones who stand out is Marla, from Brazil now living in South Africa for several years, and Aviva from London also been in Joburg for a while. Not to speak to the many, many others who were all very confident, and very sexy in a spiritual way…

There was certainly a lot of opportunity to speak to them and get inside their intuitive minds. Of all the kinds of parties I’ve been to for dating or matchmaking this is by far the better to find quality women rather than pure quantity. Although that is the case while it remains a secrets hunting ground for alpha males like myself…

The next Soul Mates Party is Saturday 25 March 2006, 7pm. Salina’s Restaurant Pineslopes Centre, Corner Witkoppen & The Straight, Fourways (behind Montecasino). The cost is R50 and you can book here or call Lara Suddes on 083-212-6462.

Also remember to visit the best Spirtual website in South Africa, MostInnerMost.com


Published by Ramon Thomas

RJ Thomas is an International Relationship Builder. He was born in South Africa, and moved to China in 2013.