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At the time of writing this blog I had been living in Johannesburg for almost 10 years. In fact I had lived in Newclare, Roodepoort, Randburg and finally purchased a house in Winchester Hills.
Since I’ve been around for a while, I observe social interaction in a very different light. Firstly I pay attention to the amount of women and also the quality in particular venues. This is subjective and its my own opinion and you may have a different experience. And so I would like to list a few places I have fund superb to meet really attractive women are as follows:
1. Rosebank between Mall and The Zone on a Sunday morning/afternoon especially for the Rooftop market
2. Eastgate and Bedfordview on a Fridays after work because it’s very popular for after works drinks.
3. Oriental Plaza on Saturday morning/afternoon if you are interested in Indian girls.
Where do you think is the best place in Joburg or Cape Town?