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I’ve been more and more frustrated not meeting as many new women as I would like. Recently went to a Portugese Festival here in Johannesburg called Lusito Land and there must have been at least 5000 people there.
And suffice it to say I made about two good approaches and one that sucked because she didn’t even bother responding and just kept walking. My mistake was not being directly in her line. Also I had seen her earlier and hesitated!
So now I’m going to make an more active social life and go and do some physical things that I can believe will bring me into more contact. From this week I will go Salsa dancing every Thursday night at the Dance Junxion in Rosebank. Every 2nd Sunday I already go to stand-up comedy and need to start making a lot more approaches with the nice young women here. Every other Sunday (also twice a month) I will go tenpin bowling at a very busy mall.
The club thing is just not my scene any more. I found its almost a waste of time going out with married friends or people in relationships. They go to place and do things like watch movies at the cinema which allows for no oppertunity to actually meet anyone new!