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Tonight I watched Misstress of Spice, a new movie starring reigning Bollywood queen, Aishwarya Rai and American actor, Dylon McDermott. South Africa’s top movie critic, Barry Ronge, gave it a scathing review you can read here. I still think its a good movie with fantastic visuals and also a lot of fantasy. It’s playing at Cinema Nouveau and elsewhere.
Last year I met this gorgeous Indian woman who at first was very stand-off-ish. But I got her email, and emailed her the next day. A few SMSes and more emails and a week later met for dinner. And some kissing. Another few days later on a Sunday afternoon she stopped by my place to lunch. She told me no guy had ever cooked for her before. Well I think this is the best thing I could have learnt a few years ago as part of my repertoire. Lets just say that she had me for dessert and the rest is history.
So any guy who reads this post. Do yourself the biggest favour and learn some basic culinary skills. It will set you miles apart from other guys.