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week 2006: Wim Roggeman-ISPA,Society, Child Porn, racism and hate Speech.

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Wim Roggeman has been the President of ISPA Belgium since 2004, which was formed in 1997. This non-profit organisation was created to promote the interests of Belgian companies providing Internet services. Its members account for 97% of all Internet connections in Belgium. ISPA Belgium publishes a quarterly market survey on the development of the Belgian Internet market, and is via several working groups also active at a regulatory, legislative and legal level on behalf of its members and the Internet industry in general. Today Wim is Marketing & Communication Manager of the International Wholesale division of Verizon Business, the leading US-based telecommunications company.

His speech focused primarily on how can the ISP manage contents that is both of bad taste and illegal. He emphasised that Service Providers should not be liable for consumer’s bad behaviour. Like any other technology the Internet provide people with unlimited access primarily based on the assumption that people will use it morally and correctly. But often the opposite occurs, this situations are global issues not rooted in any particular region only. In South Africa, the use of Mxit is currently under public scrutiny. Ramon Thomas , the MD of NETucation has been busy with media interview on the use of Mxit in South Africa. Like problem surrounding Mxit, Internet is often populated by e-crime, pedephiles, gambling, hate speech and racism . However,media laws must always apply on the Internet, even if often people are not prosecuted . But critical concerns remains on the responsibility on Content Providers , and e-Business site owners , as the battle between legal Authorities (Min Justice, Judicial Authorities, FCCU,…), Involved institutions (Child Focus, Centrum voor Gelijke Kansen) and Law Makers (Government, Parliament)continues between those who access and hosting Companies.But for Wim, because of the many million links it is almost impossible to lock out ‘wrong do-ers’,an attempt tp lock users may be regarded as pure censorship, this is a major challenge.

For more on Ramon and Mxit click here, and for South African media report on Mxit click here.