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SMSWeb supports Online Safety Campaign

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SMSWeb, a company that specialises in providing free SMS messaging to schools, has joined the Online Safety Action Campaign today.Their services allow schools to be in more direct and immediate contact with their parents, and also allows the schools to save costs in terms of telephone, printing and administration costs. The service is currently in use in more than 150 schools across the country, and growing all the time.

They will be promoting the Parents Guide to MXit to all the schools they are dealing with because the often get requests from schools about how to handle MXit.

SMSWeb also provide schools with a number of fundraising opportunities through commission shares on the sale of airtime and short term insurance services.

This is how they describe their Porn Blocking Service:

Pornblocker – we were approached last year by a number of schools as to the problem of cellphone pornography in schools. We have managed to secure agreements with the majority of adult content providers and have set up a premium-rated service whereby parents can request their children’s numbers to go onto a blocklist at these providers. Numbers are blocked for a full year, and cost parents R25. We donate proceeds from this service to a charity, and promote it into our network of schools as a value-added service, as we do not make any money from it, but feel we have an obligation to our schools to be providing such a service.


Published by Ramon Thomas

RJ Thomas is an International Relationship Builder. He was born in South Africa, and moved to China in 2013.