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One the best resources I’ve encountered, thanks to the prolific Seth Godin, is ChangeThis.com, a website where experts publish short manifestos (ebooks) which are available at no cost to you. One of the recent ones really made an impact on how I’m using email.
The Low-Information Diet: How to Eliminate E-Mail Overload & Triple Productivity in 24 Hours by Timothy Ferriss. I want to emphasise that I am not recommending the Four-Hour Work Week book because I have read all the negative reviews on Amazon.com and agree with most of it. And what did it for me was how vociferously Donny Deutsch (appeared in The Apprentice) disagreed with him on a video interview posted on Four Hour Work Week blog.
What I am considering after reading this manifesto is developing a short presentation or seminar on how to reduce workplace stress and technology stress. If you have any stories or questions about this please take a moment to email me. I am excited about this because it really save companies a lot of money if they can improve workplace productivity and at the same time reduce stress. So I am looking forward to hearing your comments on technology and it’s role in workplace stress.