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'No Mobile Phones for Teens at Home, Campus' – Minister

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The Indian government is reflecting a real threat to long term cognitive abilities of children growing up in a world whee there has always been cellphones, computers and the Internet. If you are serious about doing something talk to your counsellor or politicians about similar legislation. Technology companies will freak out about this because they are in some warped way the new tobacco companies. And we all know what happened with them. Here’s the story…

Bangalore, Sep 12: After banning sale of soft drinks on school and college premises, the State Government is now all set to ban use of mobile phones by children up to 16 years of age. While teachers and heads of educational institutions would be authorised to confiscate mobile phones if students from primary to pre-university education were found using it, the onus would be on parents to enforce it at home.

The decision had been taken on the basis of suggestions from medical experts on adverse impact of using mobile phones on children, Primary and Secondary Education Minister Basavaraj Horatti and Health Minister R Ashok told media persons at a joint media conference here on Tuesday.

Use of mobile phones by growing children for long durations have an adverse impact on brain, nervous system and ear. We have taken this decision on the advice from paediatricians. A circular will be issued in this regard within a few days. Parents play an important role in enforcing this ban in the interest of their own children,?? the ministers said.

Comprehensive guidelines for the ban would be formulated in consultation with law department. Action would be taken against even mobile phone dealers who sell the instruments to children below 16 years of age. All the special packages of mobile service providers would be scrapped, Ashok declared.

As for enforcement of the ban outside the educational institutions, the ministers said, We will examine whether to authorise the police department to enforce it.

Apart from the health perspective, the action would also help in ensuring a more congenial atmosphere for learning in class rooms, especially in urban areas, they said. An extensive campaign through posters and other media would be launched to bring awareness about the harmful effects of mobile phones on children?s health, they added.

source: DaijiWorld.


Published by Ramon Thomas

RJ Thomas is an International Relationship Builder. He was born in South Africa, and moved to China in 2013.