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Virtaal translation tool released

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Dwayne Bailey sent a message to the over 400 members of Translate.org.za group on Facebook.

Translate.org.za has just released a first version of our desktop translation tool called Virtaal.  Before you think its about automagic translation from English to Xhosa, its not.  It is a tool designed to be used by a human translating a document, with aids to make them productive and ensure quality.

Its Open Source so you can hack on it.  And if your a programmer with Python experience we’re still hiring.

Our first aim is localisation, but we do want the tool to grow to the point where it is a highly productive environment for professional translators.

This work is made possible with funding from the IDRC and Mozilla Corporation.


Published by Ramon Thomas

RJ Thomas is an International Relationship Builder. He was born in South Africa, and moved to China in 2013.