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This is may be the most important march we’ve had in South Africa since 1913 when Gandhi organized to protest the restrictions that had been imposed on the Indian population of South Africa — the first massive civil disobedience campaign.
I am bringing into the AAC aspects of online addiction that includes Internet pornography, online gambling, social networking aka Facebook, MXit, cellphone addictions and its results. After interviews with Dr Anwar Jeewa on Channel Islam and over 200 talks at schools across South Africa, I know its real. Dr Helgo Schomer @ UCT and Dr Andrew Thatcher @ WITS will be able to confirm this.
Anyway please see the press release for Friday’s protest action. I will be there, along with Warren Whitfield, the Chairman of the Addiction Action Campaign to answer any and all questions from the press with a live press conference immediately after the march and handover of the memorandums to SABMiller & their cadre đ
- I’m available for comment via my contact page
Warm regards
p.s. Ek kan onderhoude doen in Afrikaans, geen probleem!
On Friday 30 October 2009, the Addiction Action Campaign will be holding its first protest action in SANDTON.
“Is it right to profit from addiction?”
We will be handing over memorandums to the âAddiction Industryâ detailing our demands for them to become accountable for the harm their products cause. Specifically, we demand that certain industries i.e. the Alcohol, Tobacco, Gambling, Pharmaceutical and Pornography industries address their human rights abuses by complying with the following requirements:
- It is time to measure what percentage of their consumers have become addicted to their products.
- The measurement methods and outcomes must be announced and be open to public scrutiny.
- The profits made from and harm caused to people who are addicted must be calculated and disclosed publically.
- A firm commitment must be made by all companies who profit from addiction, to raise their Harm Reduction spending, to match the profits they make, or harm they cause, whichever is greater, within a reasonable period of time.
We are saying that it is a human rights violation to profit from people who are addicted and that it is only fair to return to those who are affected profits that are collected, via harm reduction methods which include:
- Access to treatment for all South Africans.
- Harm reduction education.
- Acceptable addiction prevention campaigns.
Companies, individuals or organisations we have asked to collect memorandums include, but are not limited to:
TISA (Tobacco Institute of Southern Africa), PIASA (Pharmaceutical Industry Association of SA.), Innovative Medicines of South Africa, NAPM, SMASA, National Gambling Board, National Responsible Gambling, JT Publishing (Hustler), Adult World, SAB Miller, ARA (The Industry Association for Responsible Alcohol Use), SA Liquor Brand Owner’s Association, Distell, Brandouse, KWV, Douglas Green Bellingham, E Snell & Co, Pernod-Ricard, The Really Great Brand Company, VinPro, Wine Cellars SA, Tsogo Sun Group, Casino Association of South Africa.
- SAB Miller, 65 Park Lane, Sandown, Sandton
- 09h00am to 11h00am
- We suggest that press and protestors park at Sandton City Parking and walk down 5th Street to Park Lane.
- AAC Chairperson Warren Whitfield will thank the crowd for attending and will disperse them before 11h00am. He will then be immediately available for interviews or comments as well to provide the AACâs plans for the future.
- Press packs will be available at the protest and will include a statement as well as a copy of the memorandums given to all stakeholders.
Warren Whitfield, Chairperson The Addiction Action Campaign 064-880 NPO (Office) +27790663382 |
People want to charge $$$ for helping other recover but all we truly need is a good company of like minded individuals and a few good books.
Hey Wolf as you know addiction and drug rehab is a big business. You may want to read this new book exposing Alcoholics Anonymous