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After giving it good consideration I’ve decided to support Doors of Hope charity for abandoned infants for the rest of 2011. Something about this baby shower just touched me on a very deep level and I became very emotional reading about what these babies have to endure when their mothers cannot look after them. So after my friend Rekha Kalan asked me to spread the word, I immediately offered to do more than just forward her emails. I’ll be delivering a short inspirational talk during the baby shower this coming Sunday. All the details are on the attached event flyer, and you can also RSVP via the Facebook event page.
So what’s this all about? We’re having a baby shower in Honour of the Door of Hope Children’s Mission, as our way of giving back and helping them raise funds for their day to day needs for running such wonderful homes.
Attached is a letter from Door of Hope’s Operations Director and below is a list of their current needs. Contact Rekha 082 521 4427 to pledge any of the items and I’ll arrange for collection from you if you cannot make it for the baby shower.
- Welcome @ 14h00
- Introduction by Carmen Pretorius, Operations Manager, Door of Hope
- Video Presentation of Door of Hope
- Break ( snacks , activities, visit from few babies)
- Motivational talk by Ramon Thomas
- Auction/Raffle
- Vote of Thanks
- Fresh fruit & vegetables
- NAN 2
- Purity – Fruit
- NAN H.A 1 & 2
- Tissues
- Hand Sanitizer
- Latex Gloves
- Black refuse bags
- Domestos
- Dishwashing liquid
- Air Freshener
- Baby Bottle Cooler Holders (to fit Avent & Nuk bottles)
- Nappies
- 2-minute noodles
- Futurelife or Oats cereal
- Long life milk
- Stevia (Sugar)
- Peanut Butter
- Jam
- Finger biscuits / marie biscuits
- Cheese Curls / crisps
- Fruit Juice
- Viral Guard Syrup
- Allergex syrup
- Teejel / Vidol