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Your technology takes on a new kind of relationship the day you begin to decorate your phones. Girls may recall growing up with dolls, dressing them, playing house and pretending they are the mommy or daddy or both. Boys are playing with cars, building or breaking them, finding out where the action lies in the toys. Since this young age we’re conditioned to spend more time with replacements for human relationships.
What is the relationship you have with your best friend? Can you honestly tell them everything you tell your cellphone? I doubt you can because your cellphone knows your deepest and darkest secrets. You tell it everything about yourself. You tell it what you hate, what you love, who you hate, who you love, where you are, where you are going, what happened, when it happened, how it happened. And you don’t just tell it stories…You also feed it with images like photos of yourself, or your friends, or things and places around you. You even feed it images from elsewhere so it learns more about you than you learn about it.
Question: Who is your best friend? What would happen if you give them your phone, and they give you there’s for a week?
Today it seems easier to send a sms or email rather then make a phone call. Why is this? You don’t need scientific evidence to realise that it takes longer to communicate via typing then voice. You talk faster then you can type no matter if you are 13 or 33 years old. In public speaking circles it’s common knowledge that transmit more information when you are speaking like voice tone and body language that you can never pick-up from text. Written words are mostly two dimensional while voice is multidimensional. A person who’s whispering can be more seductive, more romantic and brings you closer to them. A person shouting or screaming shows anger and pushes you away from them. So communication through the screen lacks emotion and we try to make up for it using emoticons like 🙂
The quality of your relationships are determined by the way you communicate with people. The more you find yourself avoiding a phone calls or face to face discussions, the more dependant you become on using cellphones or Internet as intermediaries. This is probably where the phrase, “Lost in translation” will take on new meaning in the 21st century. Communication is the key to compassion. And it’s not the same when you listen to a person pouring their heart out to you over BBM or WhatsApp.
I agree, communicating via cellphones and computers is totally unhealthy, specifically in personal relationships and hinders the natural development and intimacy of relationships.