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Siyavula Open Source textbooks information evenings

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Siyavula open source maths science text booksToday we had two conversations with Edu-board in East London who referred us to the Team at Siyavula in Cape Town. Following our telephone conversation, I must share the information below on their information evenings in Durban and Cape Town. We’re looking for a way to bring them to Port Elizabeth and East London, to major metropolitan areas in Eastern Cape. This will ensure the Eastern Cape refugees get text books depending on government or political assistance.

Siyavula Information Evening: Everything Maths and Science Textbooks

I think our website outlines most of what we do, but just to fill you in a bit further:

Siyavula is an education technology company, spun out of the Shuttleworth Foundation. We are a social enterprise that believes in sharing, community, collaboration and openness, and through the use of technology we strive to produce the best quality free educational resources out there. We write openly licensed textbooks, and this year our Grade 10-12 Maths and Physical Science textbooks were printed by the Department of Basic Education (DBE) for free distribution across South Africa. Every single learner in a government school that is taking Maths and / or Physical Science in Grades 10-12 should have received a copy of our textbooks, paid for by DBE. This is hugely exciting for Siyavula, but also for the world of open educational resources – as far as we know, this is a world first. The maths books and science books have their own websites. Mobile versions can be viewed on your cell phone at m.everythingmaths.co.za and m.everythingscience.co.za.

Additional Information:
Our textbooks are freely available for all educators and learners across the country to use, and are available in hard copy,  freely accessible online, in PDF for printing, EPUB format, via mobile phone and Mxit. Filled with relevant rich-media (YouTube videos, PowerPoint presentations and simulations), our digital textbooks are completely interactive and a dream to teach from. Educators can contextualise these digital textbooks by making their own versions of them.  Use our textbooks in conjunction with our online practice service, which compliments and supports the textbooks.  It shows learners where their weaknesses in the curriculum lie, and lets them practise exam style questions. Should you wish to own a hard copy, it will cost you R95 for the printing and postage, and the subscription to the Intelligent Practice Service costs R150 for a full year of practise, or R200 if bought with a textbook.

Please let me know should you need anything further.


Published by Ramon Thomas

RJ Thomas is an International Relationship Builder. He was born in South Africa, and moved to China in 2013.