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A while ago I wrote an article about how SMS relieve loneliness, stress and depression. The same advice applies well to boredom in general. John Taylor Gatto first alerted me to the pandemic of boredom in public schools. This is a cause for concern both in children and in teachers. Everyone has felt bored at some point in their life, it seems to be the way the world works now. Without this innate feeling of despondency how could we continue to fuel to the consumer driven economies of the world.
According to Dictionary.com boredom is a noun: the state of being bored; tedium; ennui. Origin: 1850–55; bore2 + -dom Synonyms: dullness, doldrums, weariness. These dates fit perfectly into the industrial revolution’s time frames. Meaning that before that period there was no such thing in the common language of conversation. People amused themselves in a variety of ways.
When you find yourself in this position, the key is to get your body physically doing something. So the immediate task at hand can be as simple as taking a walk. This gets oxygen flowing and begins to clear your mind. In fact when you are weary you often do not feel like doing anything at all. How do you motivate yourself to keep walking? If you’re bored and it’s night time you may not want to take the risk of walking around outside.
Another option is to listen to music that gets your energy juices flowing. This is not a time for relaxation and more dullness. You can listen to dance music and get yourself into the groove being motivated to have fun. There’s saying I stole from somewhere which goes like this, “The only business we take seriously is fun…” So should you.
Instead of surfing around Youtube or Facebook, start texting or chatting on your Smartphone with a friend. This is a great way to relieve boredom because you’re engaging with a real human being and not the faceless social media sites. You are not trying to numb your senses through mindless television. Texting is two way communication. From this the other person may suggest you meet-up, which is even better than chatting over your phone. Talking to a person face to face is the most powerful way to engage.