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First National Bank FNB Smart DevicesRecently I made the last payment on my FNB Smart Device, an Apple iPad 2 purchased in 2011. It feels much longer because Apple released several iPad models since that time like the iPad Air and iPad Mini. During the time I really wanted a tablet because I  see myself as an early adopter.

Another part of me was competing with my ex-girlfriend who had her own iPad 2 for a while. Due to bad financial planning I needed cash, so instead I sold my iPad and continued to pay First National Bank (FNB) until now. Either way their Smart Device product offering is a superb offering for first time buyers of smartphones and tablets.

Few banks have pushed innovation as much as FNB has in the last 10 years. In 1997 I worked on the team to launch their online banking to the world at Internet Solution. In 2003 I was part of the team who managed their IT Security. But back in 1980s I became a customer because my mother was a staff member at a local branch in Port Elizabeth.

In reflecting upon my long history with FNB, I am cannot recommend any bank more highly for innovation and technology use.

Here’s 5 Ways FNB Helped Me

  1. Using Internet Banking since 1997 I avoided going to the branch for simple things like bank statements
  2. Mobile banking helped me to check balances without using Internet
  3. Mobile banking helped me to purchase airtime for my mobile phone
  4. Internet and mobile banking made it easy for me to send money to people without knowing their bank accounts
  5. Social media customer support has helped me avoid calling call centres in 8 out 10 times!

This bank is superior to most worldwide in it’s transparency. Even though my mother retired five years ago, we both remain loyal customers of the bank. Every now and then I find myself lecturing people on the benefits of FNB because of this life long experience. As with any big business, individuals may experience difference in service levels. However, I look at the total experience over 30 years, and given my insiders perspective as a staff member, I will remain a happy customer for the next 30 years.


Published by Ramon Thomas

RJ Thomas is an International Relationship Builder. He was born in South Africa, and moved to China in 2013.