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Pole dancing

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I walked into a pole dancing class by my associate Dr Elna McIntosh last week Wednesday. I was pleasantly surprises. And thought I may upset the women. It turned out they were worried about the whether I was embarrassed. I don’t get embarrassed easily any more 😉

Well she teaches a women’s group for 6 weeks and one of the session is to teach poll dancing. I think this has something to do with the Madonna-Whore Complex in men. If a woman keeps behaving like the mother i.e. caring, nurturing, etc. The man may loose sexual interest in the women and seek elsewhere to satisfy sexual needs and desires. Dr McIntosh’s women’s group costs R1,500. And she may soon start offering the poll dancing class as a stand alone course shortly. Call her on 011 787 1222 if you are interested in more info (ask for her PA Glenda).

If you live in Joburg join me for a Pole Dancing Competition at Roxy’s in Melville.


Published by Ramon Thomas

RJ Thomas is an International Relationship Builder. He was born in South Africa, and moved to China in 2013.