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In 2005 civil Society groups in Africa continued their role on ICT as the World Summit on Information Society kicked off in Tunis, Tunisia. As digital Divide continue to cripple millions in the South many still believe that the Information Highway is coming to Africa. Challenges remains high ,so as possibilities growing with risks.
James Curren in his chapter Rethinking Media and Democracy in Media and Society argues that New Times calls for New Thinking.It is time to rethink the role of technology on the people in developing world. Globalisation has created opportunities and threats, you have seen more prospects and challenges, innovations and shorcomings. In Africa the past ten years have seen a growing inequalities of access to ICTs. Eventhough the UN Millenium Declaration Goal and article 19 of the UN Declaration for Human Rights both regard access to information as fundamental human right, many peaople in the developing world are still denied such a basic rights.Some reasons are that people are not taking a good adavantage of the potentials of the Web, while some reasons are rooted in history.In the next few weeks you will find interesting yet topical issues about digital divide, internet revolution and the prospects for Online Marketing.
The idea behind this is that, over the past years the Internet has revolutionarised the lives of millions of people across the world, this radical change have seen some came out lossers (information poor) and while some benefited from this digital revolution (information rich). This is the time to evaluate the impact of Internet and makes the good out of it and it is within the same token that i chose to focus my writing on these. These will feature current statistics about the digital divide in the developing world, role of the civil society, the evaluation of forums such as the Bill and Gates Microsoft Government leaders forum, role of governments in bridging digital divide through NEPAD, the World Summit on Information Society and others. The future is contested, we may predict and cannot tell the eaxct results, but the impact of ICT on the lives of millions in the next hundred years looks promising if something is done,right now.