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Mobility 2006 Findings: Impact of mobile and wireless on corporate SA

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Arthur Goldstuck, MD World Wide Worx

The corporate South Africa is not taking a good advantage of the potentials provided by the mobile and wireless technologies. Even though a small number of SMEs are beginning to realize such a role-many have been left behind. The VoIP has lost more value as one of the promising emerging tech to the 3G and GPRS services. GPRS has about 45 % as emerging tech in 2006; hence 3G received massive rating in 2006 of about 73 %. On the other hand, it seem obvious that most South Africans are still scared of  mobile banking only a small portion of the consumer buy airtime (23 %) and less than 10 % pay accounts. Despite this low figures Mr Goldstuck ‘s research shows that majority of South Africans will consider Mobile banking in the future.Puting enormous pressure on Service Providers therefore to educate consumer to “going mobile”-about 43% of consumer believe that they will use Mobile banking in the future.


Equally important, for Services Providers to convince consumers to use mobile banking they will have to deal with security matters and then work on “corporate attitude on cell transaction” as Arthur puts it. If South Africa is to succeed in mobile banking more consumer education is needed, research into these ICTs to be a government’s top priority and business inspire new thinking in the sector. We all welcome Virgin Mobile and Neotel simultaneously into the industry in 2006. Inclusion, there are more reasons to go mobile in South Africa, besides the “dark ages” will hunt us again