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Information Highway stay South:Mobile Society

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There is no disagreement, the future will revolves around the conception of Convergence, portability, affordability , and mobile banking.The next three years is likely to be dominated by South Africans, the younger generation going mobile banking.The key thing is that , do we have conducive environment that permit information highway to benefit the ‘information poor’? Are our legislative framework such that allows fair equitable market shares, and while on the other hand evenly spreading the fruites of a wireless world to the grasroots. Do South African consumers have more choice or more diversity not just plurality?

Mobility 2006 was a success overall, the need therefore for policy makers to incorporate this sucess into a more consultative and people orientated policy and regulations regimes. In order to keep this information highway reforms are needed, transparancy required and affordability a basic right.

Click below for an over view of a document by Aafrica Civil Society on ICT Does the Information Highway go South?