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I’ve been checking out Take2 for a long time because its prices are just the best in South Africa. Take2 is one of those online retail stores like Kalahari.net and the international poster boy Amazon.com which offers a selection of books, music CDs, DVDs and other products. What I really love about Take2 is that their prices are better than Exclusive Books or Kalahari.net all year long. In the past I have bought a lot of books from Kalahari.net when they run their regular sales or had a R50 discount voucher.
Now with Take2 they do not offer any discounts or sales and even with shipping costs most purchases are cheaper than their closest competitors. So I highly recommend you switch to Take2 and if you have any doubts just compare some prices for the following books I’ve just received from a recent order:
Books | Take2 | Kalahari.net | Exclusive Books |
4-Hour Work Week | R134.00 | R186.95 | R204.00 |
Complete Idiot’s Guide: Growing Your Business with Google | R134.00 | R186.95 | R143.00 |
Laws of Lifetime Growth | R81.00 | R123.95 | R176.00 |
Shipping Cost | R29.00 | R29.00 | R30.00 |
TOTALS | R378.00 | R526.85 | R553.00 |
* Note: Free shipping is available from Kalahari.net if you order is more than R350 and with Exclusive Books is more than R400 per order.
So as you can see even if the shipping from Kalahari.net or Exclusive Books was free it would cost more than Take2. What’s your experience been in shopping online in South Africa?