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I’ve had so many interviews since the release of my Parents Guide to MXit, I’ve not had enough time to notify people on my email list or around me to listen in as in the past. The person who taught me how to deal with the media, how to generate your own publicity is Arthur Goldstuck, read the Wikipedia entry I wrote about him here. One of our secret weapons is an extensive database of journalist. Mine now totals over 700 and I constantly update it when I get bounced emails, finding the new person at that publication, radio or tv show, and tracking down the person who’s email bounced and finding out what new media outlet they are now working for.There is a structure to writing a press release and you can learn some of the basics here.
So here’s my own tips:
- find a killer angle that is controversial and will make people sit up and listen
- identify and interview at least two outside experts who support your own quote – and go as far as writing their quotes and asking them how to enhance it
- send out your press release on a Tuesday and preferably close to the beginning of the month. Mondays is normally a scramble for journalists catching up with the weekend’s news
- And build personal relationships with journalists so that they trust you.
- Be consistent and work out a time line for your publicity campaign and consider all media: online, print, broadcasting
- When dealing with broadcasting ensure you have the contact details of producers because they decide who gets interviewed, not so much the show host or DJ
I’d love to hear your own ideas on generating publicity. I highly recommend the book by Al & Laura Ries: The Rise of PR & Fall of Advertising which explains why Publicity is the best way to launch a new product or service.
Oh and by the way I’ll be interviewed on Channel Islam International about my ICT Career Guide which is almost completed, this Sunday, 26 November 2006 at 10am. And also on my 2nd feature will appear in the Sunday Independent newspaper this weekend about how to use Technology in Romantic Relationships.