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A Prayer for Peace Using Social Networking

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Recently I received a very interesting press release about a new social networking website to promote peace. So I emailed the founder Hasitha Amarasena to request an email interview and give this a better context in a world flooded with Facebook.

1. What is your motivation to start this project?
In the knowing that having a thought is in itself a powerful influential act. From that thought came the idea to create a social network that displayed the world’s problems and giving the whole world an opportunity to contribute positive words or prayers to each world issue. I believe with the power of social media we can energetically connect together and solve the world’s problems. I have a genuine belief we will have world peace within our life time. To finally live in a love based world instead of a fear based world. Prayers for Peace will be the largest Peace movement in the world!

2. How does your social network increase peace, and decrease violence in the real world?

The site presents real-time news updates of worldwide implications and it also ensures that the news remains in the forefront of our thoughts until resolution. Now for the FIRST time you have the opportunity to post your positive expressions along with the news and see how your contribution affects our world. Throughout the centuries great minds have acknowledged the intensity of power resulting from collective positive energy and prayer. Have you ever wondered if prayers and positive thoughts really worked? Now
we have a chance to see the results.

3. How is your social network relevant in a world dominated by Facebook?

Facebook is a one of many social networks. Social networks existed prior to Facebook. Social networks demonstrated how we can easily communicate with people all over the world in seconds. Social networks revolutionized the way we communicate with each other. Here is a list of all the other social networks.

4. How does your social network relate to mobile phone users who don’t have access to a computer/laptop?

We are currently working on applications for the website to work on all mobile devices and are translating the site into different languages.

5. How does your social network relate to South Africa?
We will present real-time news of worldwide implications, which would include South Africa.

Groundbreaking Social Networking Site Has Launched

Social networking is fun! No matter where you and your friends are you can stay connected, share your pictures; exchange updates and always know what’s going on. Now, let’s take social networking to another level and add more features that allow YOU to be part of the solution to the world’s problems. But how?

For the FIRST time ever a social networking site for news, dedicated to Peace has launched. The site presents real-time news updates of worldwide implications and it also ensures that the news remains in the forefront of our thoughts until resolution. You no longer have to feel paralyzed by the news you read or see.

PrayersForPeace.net provides a platform that provides a CONNECTION between YOU and the world’s problems. Throughout the centuries great minds have acknowledged the intensity of power resulting from collective positive energy and prayer. Also, you have been taught that through positive thoughts and prayers, you could move mountains and miracles will occur. Now for the first time you have the opportunity through PrayersForPeace.net

Join PrayersForPeace.net to test these principles and theories and share your positive expressions along with the news and see the effects it has on our world. This social network motivates us to set aside our differences and embraces all cultures, religions, traditions and beliefs. It encourages you to create friendships with everyone in the world. There are no limits to the amount of friends you can have. We have a symbiotic relationship with everyone in the world. What we do to others, we do to ourselves. If you are alive at this moment, you can be part of the solution! We can be the Peace, we want in the world.


Published by Ramon Thomas

RJ Thomas is an International Relationship Builder. He was born in South Africa, and moved to China in 2013.