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Ramon Thomas Delivers The Following Keynote Speeches and Presentations:
A short summary of the most important topics we talk about. Each talk can be customised according to your needs and the specific issues your organisation or community may be facing at this time.
TOPIC: Suicide by Smartphones
- This talk is usually delivered to school audiences including teenagers, parents and teachers. It was designed to give the audience an understanding of the mania surrounding Smartphones and Social Media. Serious challenges covered include cyberbullying, online predators and pornography. We describe the major shifts in how we use technology and our growing dependency on it. The case studies include both adults and children’s behaviour shaped by Smartphones and Always-on Internet. Research shows the rewards often outweigh the risks for the users of these new technologies. We conclude with solutions like setting boundaries, developing usage policies and waivers or disclaimers for abuse by users of your organisation networks. Read More
TOPIC: Leadership in a Technology-Driven World
- This is the ideal talk to speak to management about Internet Privacy and Online Safety issues facing companies. We introduce the Three Pillars of Technology Terrorism as a model for coping with complexity, confusion and conflict in organisations. Leadership results in increased clarity, reinforced confidence and avoiding confusion with practical strategies. Self-organised collaboration helps increase the speed of trust in teams and groups. In the 21st century, we have more choice, more experts and more supposed “freedom” compared to that of any previous time in history. Business continues to have resources taxed to the maximum because of paradox of choice. We are experiencing unprecedented stress known as future shock. We conclude with solutions to increase vision, reduce dangers, capture opportunities, and amplify your strengths. Read More
TOPIC: SmartShield Your Staff Against Scammers
- This talk is designed to introduce the top 10 scams to your staff. It’s ideal for the entire company to learn the current threats from Internet scams and online fraud. SmartShield is designed to inform your staff on the top issues currently used by scammers. Read More
His in-depth knowledge comes from working in the Internet and Banking sectors all over South Africa, United Arab Emirates and England since 1993. One of his major projects was working with Infosys, an Indian software giant, in 2000 in the implementation of National Bank of Abu Dhabi’s Internet banking solutions. He was also the director of varius organisations such as the ICDL Foundation ISETT SETA and Computer Society SA.
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