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5 Ways To Keep Training Fresh

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Alvin Toffler futuristRecently a freelance journalist working for Destiny Magazine asked me to answer questions on keeping training fresh. All my training workshops I’ve developed under NETucation have been designed for skills not qualifications. Here is my experience:
We live in a complex world filled with confusion and conflict. Training for qualifications received a major backlash in 2010 when Peter Thiel, a Paypal founder and early investor in Facebook, created the Thiel Fellowship. He awarded $100,000 each to 20 people under 20-years-old in order to spur them to quit college and create their own ventures.
  1. When dealing with the complexity of your business or industry, seek training courses that will help you understand the big picture and how to avoid the paradox of choice. Clarity helps you to simplify problems and break them down into more manageable parts to solve.
  2. Bypass confusion by selecting the oldest and more established universities or colleges. There is a tremendous problem with confidence in most government-subsidised training from compulsory schooling through FET colleges. Leadership in an industry takes discipline, hard work and focus.
  3. Sidestep conflicting information by modelling your career on the top international experts in your field. Magazines like Forbes and Fortune often publish ranking of top companies to work for, top professionals under 40 and powerful women in business lists. Use these as a barometer of your path to success. Collaboration on social networks like LinkedIn is a 100 times more valuable than Facebook or Twitter because it allows you to go deep into the training topics you need on a daily basis.
  4. Tap into the TED.com video library to gain first-hand knowledge from the world’s leading experts. This invite-only conference in Long Beach, California has published over 1,000 videos from 5-18 minutes in length from scientists, economists, authors, technologists, inventors, educators, artists and more. This is freely available.
  5. Strategic Coach is the world’s leading private coaching program for entrepreneurs. Their models revolutionised how entrepreneurs increase their free time and will help break through ceilings of complexity in your personal and professional life. One of their biggest lessons is to measure your progress looking backwards. Take time to consider your achievements in the last 3 years, the last 3 months. You may be surprised how much you have achieved instead of feeling depressed about the future before you’ve experienced it.

Published by Ramon Thomas

RJ Thomas is an International Relationship Builder. He was born in South Africa, and moved to China in 2013.