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Have you ever felt that doing your best is just not good enough? That the effort and dedication you have put in is not recognised by your manager, team or even in your personal life by your partner?
I think we all do at some stage….
You are your own worst critic.
We constantly compare one consultant against another, one child against the other and even one partner against someone else’s or previous partners
What if it would be possible for us to change this and shift our attitudes by giving ourselves all A’s.
Ben Sander calls this practice – giving an A. And it can be given to anyone in any walk of life. You can give this gift to yourself or someone else. Even your mother in Law.
What do you think will happen when you give your most difficult client an A and treat him/her exactly like the client you like and climb mountains for?
A freely given A changes our perception of relationships.
Frightening isn’t it!
An A is not an expectation to live up to but a possibility to live into…..