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World Entrepreneur's Day[China-South Africa, 12 August 2014] – Ramon J. Thomas in association with Alliance of International Business Associations (AIBA) invites everyone to join the launch of World Entrepreneur’s Day in South Africa on 21 August 2014.

“ WED creates awareness for entrepreneurship and innovation as viable careers.” declares Thomas, a South African in China, and the organser of this first of it’s kind event from his temporary home in the world’s 2nd largest economy. “This is the perfect day to celebrate entrepreneurs, business leaders and innovators who are the new role models in the 21st century.”

Thomas has just completed year 1 of his 2.5 year MBA on a full scholarship from the Chinese government at Ningbo University. Ningbo, the 2nd biggest port in China is located in the prosperous Zhejiang province near Shanghai. It turns out Nelson Mandela Bay, where Thomas was born (Uitenhage), is the twin-sister city of Ningbo. Mr Hong Jia Xiang, Vice Mayor of Ningbo Municipal People’s Government last visited Nelson Mandela Bay in 2013.

During #WED2014 Eastern Cape-born Thomas will interview 10 entrepreneurs via Google Hangout, and this interactive event will be live streamed via Youtube to the world from 15h00 to 17h00 GMT+2. Anyone can join via Smartphone, Tablet or Laptop with an Internet connection. Each entrepreneur will do a 10 minute Q&A on an area of expertise or experience.

World Entrepreneur’s Day 2014Among the notable guests include Farah Fortune , PR guru, who started her Celebrity & Corporate PR business on R1,000 – a laptop and cellphone in her bedroom. She was selected as one of Mail & Guardians Top 200 South Africans in 2012. Ms Fortune finds herself more and more on the front stage, as she was the only Keynote speaker at the Sanlam Woman’s Day event.

I wish South Africans were more entrepreneural and willing to take risks,” says another guest Irfan Pardesi , who’s company ACM Gold, a forex broker, made R350 million profit on a R400 million turnover.Most of them want to get at the end of the tunnel without the first step!” Launched in Pakistan, the business’s head office then moved to Dubai, before settling in Sandton, South Africa.

Adding international flavour, Thomas recruited Tom Leykis , an American talk radio personality turned Internet entrepreneur to the guest list. Leykis earned a 7-figure income from CBS radio before a format change forced him off the air. He started The New Normal Network LLC, which broadcasts several Internet music streams including his epic Tom Leykis Show . #MoneyMondays is the best segment by Leykis, a self-made millionaire advising listeners, “making money – not sexy, having money – very sexy!”

AIBA recommends Managers, Entrepreneurs and Government officials take their time and invite young people to teach them about entrepreneurship and innovation. A widely known fact in South Africa is that the unemployment rate among young people below 35, is almost 50% and it has had severe socio-economic consequences in the post-Apartheid South Africa .

GUEST LINE-UP for #WED2014 Google Hangout

  1. Douglas Kruger (Kuala Lumpur), author, speaker – How to own your own industry!
  2. Beverly Langley, jewelleyr store owner – How to leave Corporate world
  3. Steve Banhegyi, solar energy advocate & social entrepreneur – Solarpreneur business model >> 073 698 1537
  4. Tuming Lee, publisher – Kickstart business magazine stories >> 084 575 5120
  5. Irfan Pardesi, forex entrepreneur – Risk taking behaviour in Entrepreneurs >> mobile +92 3218292881
  6. Farah Fortune, PR guru – How publicity helps your business >> +27 79 826 1955
  7. Unre Visagie, social entrepreneur – Bottom up career guidance >> +27 83 663 3366
  8. Melanie Burke, Country Manager for Common Purpose in Cape Town
  9. Paseka Kalaku, insurance entrepreneur, author – Why do Entrepreneurs need insurance?
  10. Tom Leykis, Internet talk radio entrepreneur in Los Angeles – Money Mondays segment on his show


Cost: FREE to anyone with broadband Internet connection

Download Google Hangouts app, or go directly to RSVP https://plus.google.com/events/c6crpfi3qqk2i7o1unfht5abke8


— ENDS —


To interview any of our guests before #WED2014 call or SIMS 087 732 8665 or Skype: ramon.thomas

After the FIFA Soccer World Cup, entrepreneurial activity in South Africa has dropped to an alarming new low. Total Early-Stage Entrepreneurial activity (TEA) in the country dropped to 7.3% from a high of 9.1%, an almost 20% drop from the previous year and the lowest in four years.

South Africa’s pool of intentional entrepreneurs is only 14% – far below the average of 27% among similar efficiency-driven economies. Of particular concern is that only 5% of South Africans in the 18-24-year age group are involved in early-stage entrepreneurial activity.

SOURCE: GEM 2012 South Africa report



Published by Ramon Thomas

RJ Thomas is an International Relationship Builder. He was born in South Africa, and moved to China in 2013.