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Joburg Tweet-Up Name Tags and Event Tweets

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Received this email from the eminent Ryan A. Gibson, organiser of Joburg Tweet-ups

This is our second tweet-up (#JHBtweetup) and it is looking great for attendance. I want to welcome the new members as you have helped this group double in size.

Please send your twitter name to me so that I can prepare your name tags for the event. You can email it to ryan@publishknowledge.com or DM me @ryanagibson.

Also, for the sake of helping market the event I would appreciate a tweet either letting people know about the tweet-up which people can register or letting people know you are going. If your friends know your going, then you might have more friends go as well. Its nice to see familiar faces, and if you invited them… they come there to meet you. So its a nice thing to remember to do, just let your followers know your coming. If you registered No for the event and can’t make it, a tweet would still be appreciated. Hopefully you can manage to find a way out of that other party… this one will be better 🙂



It is a tweet-up, I will ask MLM people to leave…if you prospect. If I hear one independently wealthy working towards being a millionaire… Kidding, but be respectful if you are. Thanks. It is for twitter users… not MLM.


Published by Ramon Thomas

RJ Thomas is an International Relationship Builder. He was born in South Africa, and moved to China in 2013.

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