About Me

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R.J. Thomas Biography

He is a technologist with the elegance of making the global complexity into elegant insights. His pioneering research into mobile social network MXit and the online dating industry, has positioned him as an expert on the Psychology of Technology.

He is an international speaker who has presented papers and delivered lectures at conferences focused on Corporate Communication, Education, Journalism, Information Security and more.

He is the publisher of “Parents Guide to MXit” and “LinkedIn Lessons” and other eBooks. He is writing a new book, The Psychology of Technology, out in 2012. He holds a Computer Science degree, a postgraduate diploma in Information Management and completing a Masters degree.

He gained experience working in the Internet and Banking industries in South Africa, United Kingdom and United Arab Emirates. One of his key projects was implementing a complete online banking solution for the National Bank of Abu Dhabi in 2000.

Media Interviews: CNBC Africa, 3Talk with Noeleen, eTV News, Special Assignment, Carte Blanche, SAfm, RSG, 702, Cape Talk, Channel Islam, Financial Mail, Business Day, Sunday Times, Cosmopolitan, Fairlady, Reader’s Digest, Cape Times, Cape Argus, Weekend Argus, Deutche Welle, and numerous blogs.

Ramon is a former member of the Professional Speakers Association, Toastmasters, Computer Society; and current member of Mozilla Foundation, Free Software Foundation, the Internet Society and Science Fiction South Africa.

When not working he enjoys classical music, Tai Chi, salsa and reading.

Interviews with Ramon…


I heard your presentation during Marcus Evans’ Cyber Forensics and IT Security Conference on the 16th and 17th of October 2008. I really enjoyed your presentation and view points in response to the questions that were posed to you. Let’s keep in touch and hopefully we’ll be able to (at least) collaborate or meet some time soon.” Kweku Arthur. Manager: Information Security, South African Revenue Service

I attended a seminar put on by the Ramon Thomas on the subject of social networking and blogging. It really was excellent.” Peter Mansfield, owner, HealthSpas.co.za

Ramon Thomas assisted in project development and selling the concept to our network of clients and partners. Our strategy sessions have become a major inspiration for the evolution of the organisation.” Arthur Goldstuck on Ramon’s contribution to the Mobility 2005 project in the Hitchhiker’s Guide To Going Wireless, published 2005.



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  1. I find it interesting,after going through Ramon Thomas biography and want to know more about him and why he choose to study in China than America.. as it amaze me,.To me as a student studying Banking as my major I want to get some more information and help form Him when needed in the near future

    Thank you .


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