Three books recommended by John Taylor Gatto

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Here are three books recommended by John Taylor Gatto. You can skip to 1:41:14 to hear his quick summary of the three books after a question about Ayn Rand and Liberterians. This is taken from a CSPAN lecture, “Examples of Educated People.” “Do I draw philisophic strength from writing? Absolutely! That’s one of the things …


A Russian Perspective on Gender Roles vs LGBT madness

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In recent years we’ve seen the rise of gender as a social construct and gender roles have become blurred. Gender and sex are often used interchangeably. According to the dictionary, gender is a category into which sexually-reproducing organism are divided based on their reproductive roles in their species. Over the years terms have evolved like …


5 Reasons Why You Should Use Firefox Web Browser

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Most Internet users do not pay attention to the web browser they use. This app comes preinstalled on most devices, whehter it’s a laptop or a smartphone. The purpose of a web browser is to allow to do exactly what it’s name says, browse the Web. In this blog I want to you remind of …


Dolph Lundgren – On healing and forgiveness

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The movie Rocky IV turned Dolph Lundgren aka Soviet boxer Ivan Drago into a Hollywood star. Exactly 30 years later the Fulbrighter Dolph Lundgren shares his personal fight worth fighting with a live audience at the Broad Stage in Santa Monica. “If you heal yourself you can heal others” is the message of this surprising …


Helen Hai: Is “Made in Africa” possible?

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When thinking about Africa, words like be “War”, “Disease”, “Corruption”, and “Safari” may come to mind. But this is not truly Africa and Helen Hai asks the question: Is “Made in Africa” possible? Helen Hai is a United Nations Industrial Development Organization Goodwill Ambassador for industrialization in Africa, brings out the often overlooked side of …