TEDGlobal 2007: Session 3: Jacqueline Novogratz

Jacqueline is not new to the TED stage. She lives with Chris Anderson, the curator of TED and also delivered a talk at the previous TEDGlobal in Oxford. Jacqueline is a pioneer in what she calls “market-based philanthropy.” She went straight into sharing a story of 20 prostitutes in Kigali, Rwanda, who were running a …

TEDGlobal 2007: Session 3: Idris Mohammed

One of those moments at TEDGlobal that made me feel jazzy inside was when two performers from the Zip Zap Circus School came on stage to entertain us. I didn’t know what to expect because I’ve never heard of them before. Rest assured I will be on the lookout for future performances back in South …

TEDGlobal 2007: Session 3: Eleni Gabre-Madhin

I cannot believe the first day of TEDGlobal is over. We had a dinner party sponsored by Google on Monday evening and today it’s a jam packed. Later I’m attending a lunch sponsored by Google.org where they’ll mention some projects they are involved with in Africa. Eleni Gabre-Madhin, is an Economist, who is working to …

TEDGlobal 2007: Session 2: Newton Aduaka

Newton Aduaka is the film-maker responsible for the award winning film Ezra, told through the eyes of a young Sierra Leonean. It illuminates one of the most harrowing consequences of the civil war: the recruitment of child soldiers. Three clips from his movies were shown in quick succession. The final clip is from a movie …

TEDGlobal 2007: Session 2: Dr. Kenneth Vickery

Dr Kenneth Vickery filled in for George Ayittey during this slot. We would have to wait a little longer for Big Goerge and it would be worth while. Ken is the author of Black and White in Southern Zambia. The essence of his talk was a quick, very quick history lesson on Africa. He came …