I stumbled across an essay by Benjamin Hoff about leaving authorship here today. Its not a surprise because I’m well aware of the rise of the multinational corporations. And the rise of globalisation is directly linked to the rise of corporations like this. This in turn makes it difficult for the small guy to compete. …
Author archives: Ramon Thomas
Cocaine parties organised via MXit
This is one of the most shocking applications I’ve yet come across for using MXit. Then again there is no surprises here because kids will find new and innovative ways to use technology to achieve their goals, good or bad. And this is a drug problem NOT a MXit problem. It existed before MXit or …
cheaper Broadband for Academics
Treveor Manuel has announced a new initiative to offer cheaper broadband to Academics to facilitate and foster research. This is really something which government has been slow to address. Broadband should be available at discounted rates to students and especially for postgraduagte students. When they are not on campus they have to access the Internet …
Bill Gates gives high school learners 11 rules to live by
Love him or hate him, he sure hits the nail on the head with this! To anyone with kids of any age, here’s some advice. Bill Gates recently gave a speech at a High School about 11 things they did not and will not learn in school. He talks about how feel-good, politically correct teachings, …
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How to identify good and bad role models for men
There is a debate that crops up every now and then, trying to explain the behaviour of human beings. It’s called the nature vs nurture debate and speaks about how our overall behaviour patterns is determined by our genes (nature) or how we are raised by our parents (nurture). It’s clear that both play a …
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