How To Manage Your Digital Afterlife

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If the psychologist Carl Jung was alive today, he may have said, your digital world is your shadow. In many ways it’s the best representation of your personality and your aspirations because of its interactive nature. When you misrepresent yourself, you’re bound to receive feedback pointing this out. Twitter streams are like a public journals …


SA Government Announces New Climate Watch System

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The South African government has announced it intends to set up a new ‘climate watch system’ to monitor environmental change and help overcome regional environmental challenges. According to Deputy Minister for Water and Environmental Affairs, Rejoice Mabudafhasi, the new framework will improve environmental outcomes through making it easier to pinpoint irregularities in climate patterns. “A …


Evaluating Telecommuting over Flexi Working Hours

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Recently I was asked about the latest trends in mobile working also known as telecommuting. Some of my reflections are inspired by the outrage from Yahoo CEO Marissa Mayer banned telecommuting. In most cases people were ranting and raving that her move was a throw back to the stone age. In most of the online …


CyberBullying – What Parents Can Do To Help Children

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When you’re being bullied, the mindset is “I’m the victim” so replace that with “they’re just teasing me” and learn to ignore them. Everyone has teased someone else in their life. We’ve all thought bad thoughts about ourselves and other people. Sometimes in a fit of anger we’re so insecure, filled with fear, we want …


Mind Control Technology Dangers – Jon Rappoport

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The fields of neuroscience and technology are merging in amazing ways. But there is also a dark side to new research into how human thoughts can control machines and computers. Journalist Jon Rappoport has written extensively on the subject of mind control. GaiamTV interviews him in this segment below.