Tom Leykis interview about Internet radio

Tom Leykis is an American talk radio host. His primary audience has always been men and I started listening to his show in 2008. There is more to this broadcasting genius than meets the eye. Comparing him to Howard Stern is how I often describe him to South Africans who’ve never heard of him. His …


Blogging about Jacob Zuma not Malema

Blogging about politicians seems to be a sure-fire way to get extra traffic. Politicians like South African President, Jacob Zuma, is constantly in the news. All his speeches like those by Julius Malema feature heavily in the local news media and social media, sparking several fake profiles and debates in the last year especially. Back …


Google plus is a minus

Most people in my workshops have either not heard of Google+ or do nothing after signing up. They feel this way because like 850 million other people, they invested heavily in Facebook profiles Google’s new social network arrived. They lament, not another social network, another profile to update. Does anyone even remember Orkut? Google+ launched …