Queensland Flood – Appeal to Youtube

My friend Anthony Larter sent me this on email. Even though I’ve never been to Australia I’m posting this message because over 100,000 people have been affected by these floods. South African weather bureau has also predicted floods in different parts of South Africa. Someone on Twitter recently mentioned 2010 was the hottest and wettest …


Sex is soos ‘n payslip. Mens praat nie rerig daaroor nie, want dalk kry die ander ou meer as jy!! Juffrou gee wiskunde “Gertjie verstaan jy alles?” “Sjoe juffrou net so kol kol!” “Watter kol verstaan jy nie, Gertjie?” “Fokol juffrou, fokol!” ‘n Les uit geskiedenis: Rasse intergrasie is soos om kak en roomys te …

The Secrets to Email Marketing Success: Marketing Panel

This is an excellent presentation from Salesforce.com, the leading online CRM company, on email marketing: Don’t waste your marketing dollars—or your credibility—on email campaigns that don’t produce results. Our panel of email marketing experts shares the secrets of success and answers your questions on list-building techniques and email marketing. Hear the latest trends, evolving opinions, …

Jon Rappoport – What is a blog?

John Rappoport is a fascinating human being. Sharp critical thinker, informed, visionary, curious, precise, smart. He has all the traits that a successful news blogger should have today. on the other hand he himself doesn’t classify himself as a “blogger” though he writes daily with great wit and passion at NoMoreFakeNews.com. His take on what …