Why do high-end professionals find it difficult to meet or interact with women?

This morning I was a guest for the first time on CNBC Africa, a new 24 hour business and finance channel for African business. It’s broadcast on channel 54 on DStv. Anyway the interview was short but to prepare I answered several questions for the producer of the Business AM show hosted by Peter Ndoro …

Facebook vs MySpace debate keeps moving ahead

Facebook has experienced phenomenal growth in South Africa over the last few months. As recently as early May there was only 25,000 registered users in the South African network on Facebook and that has exploded to over 120,000 as of 2 July. That’s over45,000 new users per month for the last two months. Now I …

First part of interview with Damaria Senne

Damaria Senne, a journalist at ITWeb, recently asked me to do a lengthy and very detailed interview about online and mobile trends and the impact on children for her parenting blog. You can read part 1 of the interview here. Some of the important things I mentioned are as follows ** 2014 updates ** There …

Another Philip K Dick novel turned into a movie, Next

Last I watch the film Next starring Nicolas Cage and the very hot Jessica Biel. Next is based on the latest Philip K Dicknovel, The Golden Man, to be adapted to the big screen. Philip K. Dick is mostly known for his works on Science Fiction and some memorable movies have been based on his …