Sometimes people don't really want help

A read of this blogged emailed me back in February 2011 about wanting help. He felt lost and didn’t know what to do with the rest of his life. After replying to his request I’ve not heard from him since. It’s become very clear to me that many people asking for help want validation or …


BBM vs. WhatsApp: A Mobile IM Comparison

High cost of cellular network services such as SMS, voice calls and multimedia messaging has led a significant number of people to seek out other alternatives to be able to communicate with one another in any parts of the globe. Luckily, the internet showed answers to this matter. Chatrooms social networking sites and instant messaging …


Talent paying the price for crime

It came as a blow when we learned about the botched hijacking in Johannesburg of R&B singer Chad Saaiman yesterday. This is sadly a common occurrence in Gauteng where about 50% of South Africa’s crime takes place . Still, knowing it happened to a soulful singer, who moved from Cape Town, to seek fame and …


Investigative Reporter interviews Thomas Jefferson!

A MAJOR RADIO EVENT! AN INVESTIGATIVE REPORTER INTERVIEWS THOMAS JEFFERSON! When: Wednesday, June 15, 7-8 PM, Eastern Time Where: Scholar Clay Jenkinson, who has portrayed, with stunning accuracy, Thomas Jefferson, in venues all over the world, will assume the identity once more, for a sit-down interview with Jon Rappoport, Pulitzer-nominated reporter. “Mr. Jefferson,” in …


A Prayer for Peace Using Social Networking

Recently I received a very interesting press release about a new social networking website to promote peace. So I emailed the founder Hasitha Amarasena to request an email interview and give this a better context in a world flooded with Facebook. 1. What is your motivation to start this project? In the knowing that having …