Conrad Wolfram: Teaching Kids Math With Computers

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In grade 12 I achieved the top marks for Mathematics HG. This was the culmination of two years of preparation, and mostly completing old exam papers from the previous three years. Even though there were computers available to me in 1992, I still had a steep learning curve to using computers before I could benefit …


CIS Toastmasters club celebrates 1,000th meeting

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Today I received this invitation from CIS Toastmasters club in Houghton, Johannesburg. This was the first Toastmasters club I joined in 2006 and where I completed my Competent Communicator level. I was also the responsible for setting up the club website, which become #1 ranked website for the keyword “Toastmasters” on Google South Africa. Anyway …


5 Reasons for Gratitude before Christmas 2014

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Watching a video by business coach Shannon Waller, I want to express my sincerest gratitude before Christmas 2014. Gratitude is an inoculation against guilt or anxiety in your life. When you are grateful and you appreciate the people and things you have, you don’t feel bad about what you don’t have in you life. These …


Why MBA Students need Toastmasters

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MBA Students are notoriously busy people. Either they are taking many classes or running a business on the side. In China we also have to learn Chinese language (Mandarin), the Putonghua or common language of the people in the world’s second largest economy. To truly have an advantage after graduating from MBA school, you need …


An Open Letter to Jacques Cilliers – Goodbye FNB

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ATTENTION: Jacques Cilliers CEO, First National Bank Bank City Johannesburg Dear Mr Cilliers After 11 years I decided to close all my bank accounts with First National Bank. The primary reason is the horrendous experience of passing the buck and customer service I’ve experienced. This was personal on so many levels. And yet I’m haunted …