TEDAfrica 2008 suspended, a temporary setback for South Africa

According to an email from Chris Anderson, the curator of the TED Conference, TEDAfrica due to be held in Cape Town at the end of September 2008 has been suspended. This news has also been posted on the TED Blog where I have already posted a comment and I encourage you to do so as …


Visualize The Secret to Planet Earth from South Africa

The Secret has caused a stir worldwide, especially after the book was published. Some people love it and some may hate it but I does get people thinking differently. Maybe it is to simplistic and maybe its just the way it was always meant to to be. Both Larry King and Oprah has interviewed the …


What does 7.5 million MXit users mean to Parents

It’s been a while since I reported on the growth of MXit. And I finally found a confirmation of the current numbers from this Moneyweb article. The worldwide growth has now reached 7.5 million users with 6.5 million in South Africa. And that means 1 million international users. This is 43 million off from their …


Two simple steps to reducing your cellphone stress levels today

As far back as 2005 WebMD reported on how cell phones raise stress levels. And more specifically how it is blurring the lines between your professional life and your personal life. Now in South Africa you add in the frustration caused by load shedding, a high violent crime rate and you have enough of a …


WordPress Blogging wp-content/1/ Trojan Malware Virus

It’s been 4 years since I left the IT security profession to focus on research and training. However, I am glad to have this background because it helped me to appreciate the subtlety of this hack into the WordPress blogging software. It first came to my attention when I noticed a folder named “1” as …