Cellphone etiquette for people on the move from BulkSMS

According to Dr Pieter E. Streicher, managing director at BulkSMS.com, “We need an etiquette tailored for business people who communicate on the move. The increase in cellphone usage for work and private calls or messaging is becoming a source of irritation and psychological stress within, and outside, the workplace.” See below for BulkSMS.com’s 10 tips …


Anti child-porn alliance launched in Europe

by Chimwemwe Mwanza* Barcelona – How do mobile operators curb access to websites that pro-actively peddle pornography without interfering in the rights of subscribers? This is one of the biggest challenges facing European mobile operators particularly those in Norway and France. Alarmed at the rate at which children were easily accessing pornography sites, the GSM …


Google Calendar may be the best time mangement and online scheduling tool available

In the mobile world filled with hotspots and wireless, you will be stuck if you continue to use an old fashioned calendar. I stopped using them years ago. Maybe I’ve been lazy and I just never got into the whole “writing things down” habit. In the past I relied heavily on Microsoft Outlook’s awesome calendaring …


Deleting my MySpace profile and loosing faith in Facebook

There is a idea that I know is true. That idea is that I prefer to speak to a friend face to face. Maybe over a cafe latte or a glass a wine. Why do I prefer this type of interaction over social networking? Because I can SEE the person, I can READ their body …