Really bad Powerpoint is worse with really bad Speaking

I am by no means an expert public speaker but I am on my way to becoming one. Why do I say make this statement that sounds slightly arrogant? In fact it’s not arrogant at all it is me brimming with self-confidence because I know that I am learning and practising the basics. The fundamentals …


Blogging Evangelism advice from Guy Kawasaki

Marketing Voices is one of the best podcasts about Social Media available. And the most recent post indicates a shift towards video blogging or vlogging. Jennifer Jones previously interviewed Guy Kawasaki, author of several books on marketing as evagalism on his general opinion on social media here. Since I first saw Guy’s Art of the …


18 Tips to Safe Surfing on the Net

In response to recent national and local headlines concerning child online safety, launches “18 Tips to Safe Surfing” and Pandora’s Blog. Both serve as resources to parents looking for ideas and effective ways to keep their kids safe on the Internet. New York, NY (PRWEB) April 16, 2007 — In response to recent national …