SEO All-stars Rank Top 10 Algorythm Factors

This is based on a project by Rand Fishken, founder of SEOMoz where he pulled together 37 of the greatest minds in the Search Engine Optimization business. You may also be interested in this excellent podcast interview on Marketing Voices with him. Google Algorithm’s Top 10  (Assumed) Positive Factors 1.    Keyword Use In Title Tags …


The Mind Never Becomes Tired, But Sometimes It Becomes Bored with the “FOOD” It Gets

Computer experts use the acronym GIGO- garbage in, garbage out-to illustrate the fact that the computer can process only the information it is given. The same is true with your mind. If you feed it healthful, nourishing “food,” it will grow strong and agile, but if you restrict it to a regular diet of mental …


How to Increase Your Online Profile with LinkedIn

LinkedIn is a very popular business social networking website. The primary aim of LinkedIn is to help you connect with other professionals directly within our own country and worldwide. It now have over 9 million registered users. South Africa currently has 24800 users and I’ve just entered the top 5. This is up from #8 …


Awareness and Education needed to grow cellphone banking

People who are regular users of the Internet often assume others understand why it is significant. So it goes for people who are heavy users of cellphones, they often assume everyone else should by default understand how easy it is, how cheap it is, and how convenient it is to use. Internet banking has been …