Mobile porn market set to explode

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This is not surprising news for me because my associate, Arthur Goldstuck, has made a similar prediction back in Feb 2005. This website is not about morality but it is about reality. And all you have to do in South Africa is look at the explicit adverts on late night TV, especially eTV and you …


Toast to Toastmasters

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Tonight I won two awards at my local Toastmasters meeting. Toastmasters International is a non-profit organisation that helps individuals improve their public speakings. My club is has meetings twice a month at Old Ed’s (next to the Virgin Active) in Houghton, Johannesburg. And tonight I did my 3rd speech. The basic Communications & Leadership program …


The future of MyWireless: 'No to one size fits all'

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Sentech ‘s Portfolio Manager for Broadband Products Winston Smith cheered the crowd as usual with his jokes. Sentech’s MyWireless portable broadband technology complies with international standards to provide a telecommunications platform for connecting to the Internet and other communications networks securely and at high-speed. Regulated frequencies and a worldwide standard is used. By virtue of …


2.3 million registered MXit users

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Breaking news about the growth of MXit. Why thy chose 2.3 million to do a press release I do not understand, 2 million or 3 million would be a good way to go. The important thing to note in this press release is the break-down of the age groups. That 12-18 year category being the …


SMSWeb supports Online Safety Campaign

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SMSWeb, a company that specialises in providing free SMS messaging to schools, has joined the Online Safety Action Campaign today.Their services allow schools to be in more direct and immediate contact with their parents, and also allows the schools to save costs in terms of telephone, printing and administration costs. The service is currently in …