Introducing the NOHO office

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Everyone in business has heard of the SOHO – Small Office Home Office. Now make way for the NOHO – Small Office No Office. The concept is introduced in a new book released today, “The Mobile Office”, by pioneering technology writer Arthur Goldstuck. The book is sub-titled “The essential small business guide to office technology”, …


How Henry Ford used the Mastermind Principal

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Henry Ford, while appearing as a trial witness, was badgered by an attorney who tried to discredit his testimony by calling his education into question. Mr. Ford was asked a few questions about American history which any high school student could easily answer, and when he did not know the answers, it placed the attorney …


Buying The Secret in South Africa is a bad idea!

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Last week I went to purchase some ink for my Lexmark printer at CNA. While there I asked the saleslady whether they had a copy of The Secret DVD (not the book!). As it turns out they were sold out. But what really shocked me was the retail price of R450! That is about US$65 …


Four Arguments for the Elimination of Television by Jerry Mander

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This is an important book because it outlines a cause to so many problems, that is so pervasive it goes unnoticed by the vast majority of people. Television was only introduced in South Africa in 1975, as it happens the year I was born, because the Apartheid government saw a threat to itself loosing control. …


Osho on Love, Freedom and Aloneness

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A long time ago I read a book by the Indian mystic Osho: Love, Freedom & Aloneness – The Koan on Relationships. This is one of those rare gems that explains and perhaps introduces you to the authentic love that is sorely missing from life. The taboo that is sex, the misunderstandings about love, and …