New Books from Take2 this November

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I’ve been checking out Take2 for a long time because its prices are just the best in South Africa. Take2 is one of those online retail stores like and the international poster boy which offers a selection of books, music CDs, DVDs and other products. What I really love about Take2 is that …


How To Win Friends in the 21st century

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This section is based on the famous Dale Carnegie book, although I’m not going to give you the advice from his book because it is outdated when you consider the tremendous changes in society over the last 30 years, especially since the feminist revolution. So many people who reach 30+ complain that all their friends …


Rober Cialdini's Weapons of Influence

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Ever heard of the Influence: The Psychology of Persuasion by Dr Rober Cialdini? This is one of the most important business books ever written for leaders and people in sales and marketing. This is a book to read once a year to remind if yourself how to build authority and influence because it’s not common …


Robert Bly explains the way to meet the Wild Man aka Iron John

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This book is a must read for any man living in the world today. And for any mother who wants to know what to do with her son, most especially if she is raising him as a single mother. This strikes a real cord with me because I grew up with a single mother ? …


Deepak Chopra teaches more than just Creating Health

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When I first began hearing of Deepak Chopra, I did not think to much of him. My best friend Nathaniel recommended The Seven Spiritual Laws of Success: A Practical Guide to the Fulfillment of Your Dreams a long time ago but I’ve yet to read it. So recently I picked up this book on sale …