Digital Citizens Indaba 2007 announced at Rhodes University

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My friend Henry Addo notified me of this event via the African Bloggers Group. The Digital Citizens Indaba, which is a Blogging Conference, will take place again this year from 9-11 September 2007. Last year I was a speaker at last year’s event. There was a lot of talk about blogging being used to for …


Art of Mastering Your Life with Dr John Demartini

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Dr John Demartini, a philosopher and international speaker presents an inspiring evening talk sharing wisdom and insights to help you to master your life. Be guided with straightforward, practical tips that will help you master and empower the 7 areas of life. Learn the ancient and modern secrets to manifest the life you love! Practical …


Benefits from Blogging for Business seminar in Joburg

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Last Friday, I launched my first Blogging for Business seminar. This workshop has been in development for several months. And the response has been huge. There is such a great opportunity for South African businesses to benefit from blogging. A reminder to those who attended of the core benefits of blogging for business: Become the …


Blogging for Business presentation in Durban with

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Last Thursday I delivered the following Blogging for Business presentation for at a breakfast seminar in Durban. This was the most amazing experience because just after I started with my presentation electricity was lost in the whole area. The biggest implication blogging has for business is that you enter into a conversation with our …


TEDGlobal 2007: Session 12: Dr Ngozi Okonjo-Iweala

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Dr Okonjo-Iweala, Distinguished Fellow at Brookings Institution and former Finace Minister from Nigeria presented the final talk at TEDGlobal: Africa the next chapter. She spoke at the TED conference in Monteray, Califorian in Feb 2007. Africa the old: the next chapter. The growth in sub-Saharan Africa is strong and inflation is under control but the …