Joburg Tweetups launches on Youth Day

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This Youth Day the first ever Joburg Tweetup takes place in Soweto. The event hosted by Internet evangelist, Ramon Thomas, takes place on Saturday, June 16 at the renowned Wandies Place starting 1pm. We invite you to join this special occasion, raising awareness of the extraordinary power of social media among to youth of South …


Andrew Horton's Social Media Strategy

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Date: Wednesday, 8 February 2012 Time: 7pm – 9pm Venue: Bryanston Sports Club Speaker: Professional Member, Andrew Horton Members attend for nothing. Guests R200. Please book your place with Simone Scholtz. Discover How Andrew Horton Made R500 000 in Speaking and Training Engagements Out Of Social Media in 2011 This is a practical presentation, which …


INK Conference 2011, this December in India

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In 2007 I came a TED Fellow after attending TEDGlobal also known as TEDAfrica in Arusha, Tanzania. This has been a wonderful journey and many relationships have blossomed with TEDsters all over the African content. It’s with great pleasure that I share this announcement from Chris Anderson below. Dear Global TED Community, By now you …


Chinese Revolution

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To my surprise I have been invited by Selwyn Klaas from the Preview Theatre, to participate in the celebration of the Chinese Revolution on 10 October 2003 at Sandton Sun Hotel. You can read this article from the South African Communist Party’s website about the 50th anniversary of the Chinese Revolution. This is very exciting …


Baby shower in Honour of the Door Of Hope Children's mission

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After giving it good consideration I’ve decided to support Doors of Hope charity for abandoned infants for the rest of 2011. Something about this baby shower just touched me on a very deep level and I became very emotional reading about what these babies have to endure when their mothers cannot look after them. So after my …