MyADSL Broadband Conference on 24 November 2006 at Vodaworld

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This is short notice but this may be of interest to you or someone else you know. I’ve already booked my seat for this event. The 2nd annual MyADSL Broadband Conference is happening this Friday. I attended last years conference and was very impressed with the quality of the speakers and the number of industry …


Day2 Speed Speaking & Blogging Workshops

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Today I didn’t participate in the speed speaking sessions. And I sat through Mike Stopforth’s quick demo of the software he uses to make his blogging experience more integrated and easier to manage and publicise. Myself and Emeke Okafor conducted the monetizing blog workshop. I gave and overview of the specifics of Google Adsene, how …


Day2 Blogging Conference Business and Marketing panel

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The business and marketing panel was where I was got my chance to do a presentation on blog marketing. Well before we get into the details I want tell you about Alec Hogg. The Moneyweb founder had some very potent things to say to the audience. And it was about time. The activism and the …


Day2 Blogging Conference Online Activism Panel

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The activism session started on an okay foot with Ethan Zuckerman, hosting the panel discussion. Next to him was two leading online political activists: Alaa Abd El Fattah, the Egyptian blogger who has been jailed for his activism and Ory Okolloh from the Kenyan Pundit blog. Ory’s session was to the point and highlights the …


Day2 We The Media Panel

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The 2nd day of the Blogging Indaba opened with a cracker session, We The Media, featuring some heavy hitters like Matt Buckland, publisher of the Mail & Guardian online; Tom Johnson, professor emeritus of journalism at San Francisco State University and co-founder of the Institute for Analytic Journalism; and Peter Verweij, senior lecturer at the …