South Africa's first Blogging Conference

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The conference has been a long time coming. And being a blogger myself I just had to attend. Because it is such an excellent niche topic “blogging” this conference will grow in popularity in the coming years. I applaud the people from New Media Lab @ Rhodes University’s School of Journalist & Media Studies who …


Information Highway stay South:Mobile Society

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There is no disagreement, the future will revolves around the conception of Convergence, portability, affordability , and mobile banking.The next three years is likely to be dominated by South Africans, the younger generation going mobile banking.The key thing is that , do we have conducive environment that permit information highway to benefit the ‘information poor’? …


Mobility 2006 Findings: Impact of mobile and wireless on corporate SA

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Arthur Goldstuck, MD World Wide Worx The corporate South Africa is not taking a good advantage of the potentials provided by the mobile and wireless technologies. Even though a small number of SMEs are beginning to realize such a role-many have been left behind. The VoIP has lost more value as one of the promising …


Elia Tsouros-Beyond Mobile Voice-role of data in transforming communications

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Elia Tsouros , Executive –Business Development Verizon Business SAThis is an age of collaborations and convergence of media technologies-commoditisation of core communications, increase market maturity but still more restrictions and legal uncertainty. However, security breaches curtail ‘social engineering’ and makes it difficult for greater deregulation. Evolving business and revenue models in response to complex and …


Mobility 2006: Leon Perlman-Mobility Commerce -Challenges and Opportunities

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Mobile Commerce Markets and Regulatory Trends!The Wireless Application Services of South Africa was formed in August 2004 with the aim of monitoring developments in the mobile industry and to engage policy makers on issues affecting the Wireless industry. There are about 2.5 billion global users of mobile,with the fastest growth being in China with almost …