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Well I finally watched this weird Nicole Kidman movie, Birth. I was left wondering at the end if Sean was really her husband or not. Nice touch by the director not to answer all the questions like most Hollywood movies do.  


Goodbye Star Wars

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<p>So I finally watched <a xhref=”” mce_href=””>Revenge of the Sith</a> tonight! Movies are one of my favourite past times but I’ve not made enough time for it over the last couple of weeks. I’m not sure what to make of Star Wars but I can certainly give George Lucas his due. His a master film …


The lessons I learned from Forrest Gump

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Today I watched Forrest Gump again and what a great movie it is. I was so emotional as I could connect with Forrest on so many levels. Growing up I always felt like to the underdog and I persevered like Forrest to achieve some success in my life. Now for the lessons: Honesty is the …


Hollywood Love isn’t True Romance

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by Nomfundo Mbaba I have a small group of single friends and when we often get together we chat about our single lives in Sex-and-the-city style. Why are we single, why can’t we find a man, why, why, why. In one such discussion, one male friend says: “Maybe we want romance from the movies” We …