Does Money Buy Happiness?

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Does money buy happiness or just a big mansion? This funny video by blogger Victor Pride reminded me to always think differently from what Bill Cooper called “the sheeple!” And so after watching this video, think about it for a while, and ask your friends to get their reaction. You will notice the clear bias …


What is the role of Technology in Romantic Relationships?

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One of the tragedies of the romantic relationships in the 21st century is the lack of quality and the lack of depth. Technology has played a pivotal role in bringing people closer together and also keeping people from connecting at deeper levels. We’ve seen the rise of Internet dating as means for people to find …


Social Media is not Social Interaction

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My role as a technology evangelist is to bring the good news about technology to you. Well there is good news and there is bad news. And as with most people I’m sure you prefer the bad news first. A question I want you to ask yourself before I share that news with you is …


Avoiding long distance relationships

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You will always find people who have had success in a particular way of dating because there is such a vast number of variables at play. Long distance relationships for the most part give people a false hope or a lack of control in the outcome, and in my opinion kills your self-esteem. When I …


Are robots the sex partners of the future?

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This article is a few months old but I wanted to highlight it because it illustrates the state of affairs when it comes to how technology is replacing human experience. Read the full story: hardwired for love here. Technology can never replace human experience because it is a simulation of the real world. However, if …